Women in Canadian Manufacturing

Feds invest in Ontario’s aerospace sector

March 15, 2023
By EP&T Magazine
Presented by:
Women in Manufacturing

FedDev Ontario has announced a total investment of more than $11-million, through the Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative (ARRI), for three businesses and one organization in southern Ontario’s aerospace sector. The recipients of the funding are: RAMPF Composite Solutions Inc. (RAMPF), Nanowave Technologies Inc.NWI Precision Tube ULC and Women in Aerospace – Canada (WIA – Canada). These projects will increase manufacturing capacity and productivity, green operations, provide professional skills development and support over 180 jobs across southern Ontario’s aerospace sector.

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This investment includes a contribution of nearly $2.3 million for RAMPF, a Burlington-based manufacturer for the aerospace, defence, consumer products and medical sectors. With this investment, RAMPF will purchase new equipment to reduce waste and increase processing speed, green its operations by reducing energy consumption, expand into new markets, such as urban air mobility, unmanned aerial vehicles and electric aircraft, increase revenue and create 15 new jobs in Burlington.

Expanding women’s visibility in aerospace

“By investing in automation and digitization, we will position RAMPF Composite Solutions to win new business as airframe manufacturers, increase production rates and look to develop new aerospace solutions that take advantage of lightweight composites while reducing our environmental footprint,” says Larry Fitzgerald, CEO, RAMPF Composite Solutions Inc.

In Hamilton, WIA – Canada, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to expanding women’s visibility in the aerospace sector, is receiving a contribution of over $330,000 to develop and deliver the Advancing Women in Aerospace Leadership Program. This program will provide professional development, training and mentorship programs at no cost for 150 women currently in the aerospace sector or women looking to transition into the sector to improve their leadership skills with the goal of having more women in leadership roles across the aerospace sector.

“Canadian Aerospace has the benefit of so many talented women in the industry, however, women continue to be significantly underrepresented in the industry, especially at leadership levels. To continue to be at the forefront of the industry to compete internationally, we need to increase levels of diversity to ensure we have the talent to continue to innovate,” adds Nancy Barber, President, Women in Aerospace – Canada.



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