Women in Canadian Manufacturing

Top 10 Under 40 2023: Meet Lamia Ghoneim, director of customer success at Raven.ai

August 14, 2023
By Sukanya Ray Ghosh
Presented by:
Women in Manufacturing

Manufacturing AUTOMATION’s second annual Top 10 Under 40 highlights the next generation of leaders who have demonstrated exemplary work ethic. They are leading the charge in their workspaces and inspiring their peers with their commitment to innovation.

This year, the winners share what they enjoy the most about working in the automation space, what plans they have for their future and suggestions on getting more people into this industry.

To highlight the achievements of each individual selected for the Top 10 Under 40 list, Manufacturing AUTOMATION will feature one of 2023’s winners every week for the next 10 weeks.

This week, we introduce Lamia Ghoneim, director of customer success at Raven.ai. Ghoneim discusses what draws her to automation in manufacturing, her plans for the industry and more.

Manufacturing AUTOMATION: What do you enjoy the most about working in the manufacturing and automation space?

Lamia Ghoneim: I’m drawn to the manufacturing space because of the tangible impact it has on people’s lives. As I moved more into the Industry 4.0 and automation space, I shifted my focus towards leveraging technology to improve manufacturing processes and to solve complex problems that would have otherwise been difficult to overcome. The digitization of manufacturing data along with the integration of AI, robotics and advanced analytics have created tremendous opportunities for optimizing manufacturing processes and improving product quality for the consumer. Working on projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies to increase productivity and make production workers’ jobs easier and more meaningful, brings me great satisfaction.

MA: What are your future plans within the industry?

LG: My plans for the industry have no boundaries. Being part of a growing company that works on cutting-edge technologies has really opened my eyes towards the possibilities for the future of manufacturing. I will continue to leverage emerging tech, like AI, to optimize processes and improve product quality, while also contributing to the development of sustainable and efficient manufacturing practices. Additionally, I plan to share my expertise with others through mentoring and knowledge sharing, as well as collaborating with industry leaders to drive innovation and growth.

MA: How can this industry encourage more people to join and pursue successful careers here?

LG: I think the first step is to spread more awareness about the opportunities available in the field and emphasize how diverse and rewarding a career in manufacturing is. Providing opportunities for on-the-job training and apprenticeships can help bridge the skills gap and create a pathway for individuals who may otherwise never get the chance to be exposed to the field. Finally, encouraging more women to join the manufacturing space is crucial. The industry needs a diverse workforce to innovate and remain competitive in the global market.